Grupo Galé
Grupo Galé

Grupo Galé, from Medellín, Colombia is led by musical director and congero, Diego Galé . Diego has a long and distinguished career for a man of a relatively young age. He served as percussionist with Grupo Niche, perhaps the most famous of Colombia's salsa orchestras and as musical director for another of Colombia's most respected salsa bands, Grupo Caneo. He played with Sonora Dinamita, La Inmensidad, the late Frankie Ruiz, "El Cantante de los Cantantes," Hector Lavoe, Alex Leon, Marvin Santiago, and Luis Enrique to name a few of the more recognizable names in the industry.

Grupo Galé plays salsa in its traditional style with a modern twist. The large group employs three lead singers with exceptional voices who alternate on lead vocals. It is not unusual to hear them using an old style of singing harmony for the chorous and a more modern style in the same song. The group is known for their musical excellence and salsa purity.

Not many contemporary groups use a musician who plays tres, a six-stringed guitar used much more often in days past. Ostwal Serna plays tres with a passion that translates into fiery rhythms that are interwoven into the passages that lead dancers irresistibly to the dance floor. The trombones play sultry lines that become intoxicating especially when interspersed with the trumpets. The flavor of the music is upbeat, highly charged and never quite the same. It has a driving force that is subtle yet intense. It begs to be appreciated and allowed to consume the listener.

Diego Galé comes from a musical family. His father Jaime Galé was a great balladeer. His brother Jimmy is also a percussionist who currently plays timbales in the group. His brother Freddy played saxophone in the group for a time. Diego, in addition to his other duties composes a great deal of the music for his orchestra. ~ Music of Puerto Rico